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List Price: $19.99
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The Silent Light Phone Sensor allows you to turn off your phone ringer but never miss a call. Perfect for when Baby is sleeping, when company comes over, or while watching a movie or enjoying a meal. Flashes a blue LED light when phone rings. 100,000 hours of bulb life will last for years.Plug it into a phone jack and place next to your TV, computer, etc. When the phone rings, it will flash and you will know to answer the phone from a handset anywhere else in the house. Measures approximately 2"L x 2"W x 4"H with a seven foot long cord. Made of durable plastic with cord and connector attached. Lifetime warranty to original purchaser against defects in materials or workmanship. Patent Pending. Brought to you by Badger Basket and Hey Mom, Inc. This product is not a toy. For indoor use only.
The Silent Light Phone Sensor allows you to turn off your phone ringer but never miss a call. Perfect for when Baby is sleeping, when company comes over, or while watching a movie or enjoying a meal. Flashes a blue LED light when phone rings. Providing 100,000 hours of bulb life, it will last for years. Plug it into a phone jack and place next to your TV, computer, etc. When the phone rings, it will flash and you will know to answer the phone from a handset anywhere in the house. Measures approximately 2"L x 2"W x 4"H. Made of durable plastic with cord and connector attached. Lifetime warranty to original purchaser against defects in materials or workmanship. Patent Pending. Brought to you by Badger Basket and Hey Mom, Inc. This product is not a toy. For indoor use only.
Product Features
Turn off phone ringer but never miss a call
LED bulb lasts for years
Won't disturb a sleeping baby
Simple installation
Recommended Age Range birth and up

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